
You have the right to cancel your order any time, as long as it has not been shipped yet. If this is your case then please send us an email to [email protected]. Once the cancellation is confirmed, your refund will be processed and returned to the account from which the original payment was made.

Returns & Exchange

You have the right to withdraw from your order within 14 days of the date of delivery. You are not required to provide a reason for this, however, we would appreciate your feedback so that we can continue improving our services.

Before returning any items, you are required to contact us to give notice that you would like to cancel or return your order. Products returned without prior notice will not be accepted. Please contact us regarding this no later than the last day of the withdrawal period. The withdrawal period expires 14 days after the day of delivery. Read more about the right of withdrawal in articles 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 in our Terms and Conditions.

My Jungle Gym / DYO orders are custom made. After they have gone into production, you cannot cancel and / or return your order. The right of withdrawal does not apply to customization.


  1. If you want to withdraw from the purchase, send us an email and follow the instructions
  2. If you want to return a complete playground, please wait for our instructions after sending us the email.
  3. If you want to return accessories, please print out the email and include it in the return package (press the 'Print' button)
The undersigned gives hereby notice that he/she would like to withdraw from the contract of purchase of the following goods, sold by Jungle Gym under the following references:
